Hammerwich Bowling Club (HBC) is an applicable organisation under the Data Protection Act (1998) and the General Data Protection Regulations (2018). This Policy applies to Personal Information collected by HBC and sets out the principles governing our processing of that information and the way we use, keep secure and disclose it.
By providing personal information about yourself to HBC, you agree to our processing, storing and using that information in accordance with the principles set out in this Privacy Policy. We will always deal with your personal information fairly and in accordance with your instructions.
By submitting personal information to HBC you agree that we may process it in the manner described in this Policy.
Your personal information that is necessary for us to operate our membership includes full name and title, postal address, telephone and/or mobile numbers, email address and BCGBA number, where applicable.
We will process your personal information using your consent as the lawful basis for controlling and processing the data. We will request your authorisation for processing your personal information, as described below, at the time of application or at renewal of membership, whichever comes first. Your authorisation will be reviewed annually at renewal of membership.
You can refuse to give consent to any of the individual requests without detriment to your membership of HBC.
We limit the collection and use of your personal information. When we ask you for personal information, we will tell you the purposes for which we will process that information. Such purposes include the following:-
Maintaining our membership database, to facilitate the administration and management of theclub.
Contacting you with information relating to your membership, or application for membership,and details of events and other matters which we think will be of interest to you.
Communicating information to other clubs about fixtures.
Communicating information to the bowling leagues in which the club participates.
Communicating membership information to Staffordshire County Bowling Association.
Communicating membership information to Derbyshire Crown Green Bowls Association.
We will not reveal any of your personal information to any external organisation unless we have previously informed you that this will happen through disclosures or agreement, and we have obtained your authority to do so.
We will store your personal information in both electronic and paper based form, from the point of collection for as long as you are a member of the club. After you cease to be a member, your personal information will be deleted/destroyed as soon as is practicable, but in any case within three months. After you cease to be a member you will have the option of giving your express consent for your personal information to remain on our database for the purposes of 'Social Membership' relating to HBC news and events only. OPT OUT CHOICE
You have the right to withdraw at any time your agreement to any of the individual consent options, by writing to the Secretary. Withdrawal of consent will be acted upon as soon as is practicable, but in any case within three months.
We will strive to protect the privacy and security of our database and to maintain the reliability and accuracy of Personal Information. We will hold information collected by us both on computer and paper forms. Although we cannot guarantee the security of all transmissions of personal information, especially where the internet is involved, we will take all reasonable steps to prevent this from happening. You accept the inherent security implications of providing information and will not hold us responsible for any breach of security or disclosure of information unless we have been proved to be negligent.
Under the General Data Protection Regulations you have a right of access to information we hold about you on our records.
The accuracy of personal information depends upon the information you provide to us, so we recommend that you:
(a) Let us know if there are any errors in the personal information you have given to us. AND
(b) Keep us up to date with changes to your personal information.
The persons and/or organisations who may have access to your personal information include:-
The appointed committee members of HBC, who will operate in accordance with data protection protocols.
Other HBC members.
Other bowling clubs.
Relevant bowling leagues in which HBC participates.
Staffordshire County Bowling Association / Derbyshire Crown Green Bowls Association.
We may take photographs of you attending matches or other events and we may wish to use them for marketing and advertising purposes, or publishing on our website. Unless you advise us otherwise, you expressly agree and consent to the use of any photographs which may include you, without compensation. We will not use the images taken, or any other information you provide, for any other purpose.
We will not include details or full names (which means first name and surname) of any person in an image on our website, on video, or in printed publications, without good reason. For example, we may include the full name of a competition winner if we have their consent.
Although most changes are likely to be minor, Hammerwich Bowling Club may change its Privacy Policy from time to time, and at our sole discretion. Members should check this policy periodically for any changes.